
What is the CCC Computer Science ListServ?

A listserv is an easy way to send and receive memos, ideas and discussions via e-mail.

What type of information can I expect to receive?

When you subscribe to the listserv you can expect to get important information on potential CWE positions, jobs, and changes that happen here at CCC.

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Who can join?

Anybody who is enrolled in any of the Computer Science degree programs.
Also, anybody who has graduated with a Computer Science degree can join.

How do I "join" the ListServ?

Send an email to with the word subscribe in the subject line.
The body of the email can be left blank.

How do I "leave" the ListServ?

To unsubscribe do the same thing above, except enter unsubcribe in the subject line (instead of subscribe).

Having Problems?

If you have any problems signing up to ListServ please contact Rick Carino.