Word 2007 Basic

CW-054A Word 2007 Basic

Synopsis: This class is for the student whose goal is to become proficient using Microsoft Word to create, format, save and print basic documents.

Prerequisite: A general understanding of the Window operating system and the ability to use the keyboard and mouse.

Length of Course: Self-paced, average 12-18 hours per course

Required Text: Clackamas Community College custom courseware will be provided at the first class.

Chapter 1 Creating Documents with Microsoft Word 2007

  1. Letter
    1. Create and Save a New Document
    2. Edit Text
    3. Select, Delete, and Format Text
    4. Print a Document
  2. Navigation and Tools
    1. Navigate the Word Window
    2. Add a Graphic to a Document
    3. Use the Spelling and Grammar Checker
    4. Preview and Print Documents, Close a Document, and Close Word
    5. Use the Microsoft Help System

Chapter 2 Formatting and Organizing Text

  1. Document Formatting
    1. Change Document and Paragraph Layout
    2. Change and Reorganize Text
    3. Create and Modify Lists
  2. Research Paper
    1. Insert and Format Headers and Footers
    2. Insert Frequently Used Text
    3. Insert and Format References

Chapter 3 Using Graphics and Tables

  1. Flyer
    1. Insert and Format Graphics
    2. Insert and Modify Text Boxes and Shapes
    3. Set Tab Stops
  2. Tables
    1. Create a Table
    2. Format a Table

Chapter 4 Using Special Document Formats, Columns, and Mail Merge

  1. Newsletter
    1. Collect and Paste Text and Graphics
    2. Create and Format Columns
    3. Use Special Character and Paragraph Formatting
    4. Create Mailing Labels Using Mail Merge
  2. Web Page
    1. Insert Hyperlinks
    2. Insert a SmartArt Graphic
    3. Preview and Save a Document as a Web Page

 Chapter 5 Working with Templates, Styles, and Charts

  1. Styles and Templates
    1. Create a Document from an Existing Template
    2. Use Existing Styles and Create New Styles
    3. Create a New Template from an Existing Document
  2. Charts
    1. Create a Chart
    2. Format a Chart
    3. Work with Sections

 Chapter 6 Creating Form Letters and Working in Groups

  1. Form Letters
    1. Create a Form Letter
    2. Merge Letters with Records from the Data Source
  2. Document Outline
    1. Work with a Document Outline
    2. Tracking Changes in a Document
    3. Use Comments in a Document
    4. Compare and Combine Document