Word 2003 Basic

CW-054A Word 2003 Basic

Synopsis: This class is for the student whose goal is to become proficient using Microsoft Word to create, format, save and print basic documents.

Prerequisite: A general understanding of the Window operating system and the ability to use the keyboard and mouse.

Length of Course: Self-paced, average 12-18 hours per course

Required Text: Clackamas Community College custom courseware will be provided at the first class.

  1. Getting Started
    1. Exploring the Word window
    2. Creating and saving documents
    3. Getting Help
  2. Editing documents
    1. Opening and navigating in documents
    2. Automated tasks
    3. Editing text
    4. The Undo and Redo commands
  3. Moving and copying text
    1. Selecting text
    2. Cutting, copying, and pasting text
    3. Finding and replacing text
  4. Formatting characters and paragraphs
    1. Character formatting
    2. Using tabs
    3. Paragraph formatting
    4. Advanced paragraph formatting
  5. Creating and managing tables
    1. Creating tables
    2. Working with tables
    3. Modifying tables
  6. Controlling page layout
    1. Creating headers and footers
    2. Working with margins
    3. Working with page breaks
  7. Proofing and printing documents
    1. Checking spelling and grammar
    2. Previewing and printing documents
  8. Web features
    1. Saving documents as Web pages
    2. Working with hyperlinks
    3. E-mailing documents