CW-054A Word 2003 Basic
Synopsis: This class is for the student whose goal is to become proficient using Microsoft Word to create, format, save and print basic documents.
Prerequisite: A general understanding of the Window operating system and the ability to use the keyboard and mouse.
Length of Course: Self-paced, average 12-18 hours per course
Required Text: Clackamas Community College custom courseware will be provided at the first class.
- Getting Started
- Exploring the Word window
- Creating and saving documents
- Getting Help
- Editing documents
- Opening and navigating in documents
- Automated tasks
- Editing text
- The Undo and Redo commands
- Moving and copying text
- Selecting text
- Cutting, copying, and pasting text
- Finding and replacing text
- Formatting characters and paragraphs
- Character formatting
- Using tabs
- Paragraph formatting
- Advanced paragraph formatting
- Creating and managing tables
- Creating tables
- Working with tables
- Modifying tables
- Controlling page layout
- Creating headers and footers
- Working with margins
- Working with page breaks
- Proofing and printing documents
- Checking spelling and grammar
- Previewing and printing documents
- Web features
- Saving documents as Web pages
- Working with hyperlinks
- E-mailing documents